In order to demystify the process of booking Visas to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abreu online shows you, step-by-step, all the process.
Please, pay attention to the following information:
- The Visa Application is possible only if the booking is made in the Abreu online system. It is impossible to get a Visa without a hotel reservation;
- The process of Visa to the UAE requires, ate least, 7 working days (excluding Thursdays and Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays) and is only sent to the client, close to the travel date;
- The Visa is only valid for 1 entry into the country;
- Visas are not extensible or refundable, even when it is refused;
- The UAE Immigration Department reserves the right to reject any Visa Application without giving any reasons, keeping the rates as administrative fees;
- The UAE Immigration Department does not aprove Visas for the following countries: Iraq, Philistines, Sudan, Somalia and Israel.