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Nº 0002 | 02 Mar.'12
» Abreu online now in the Benelux

Abreu online has already a representative office in the Benelux countries (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg), through the representations Travelmediate company, headquartered in Amsterdam, led by Raymon Honings | Managing Partner.
This market will be monitored and streamlined by Paulo Oliveira, in close collaboration with TravelMediate, expert of local players.

IJburglaan 195 | 1086 ZJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 20 2600 053 | M: +31 62 3981 232
araymon@travelmediate.nl www.travelmediate.nl 


» New Clients

We raised more three new clients:
Chile - Viajes Fallabela    |    Mexico - Julia Tours    |     England - Travel Republic 

We are increasingly reaching an international scale! 

» More offer!
With Abreu online's growth, the contracted product  as increased and  have to be inserted into the system.
The department has to insert more and more variety of product. Recently is also dedicated to the inclusion of Package Tour Operator and International packages of collective sales sites, as well loading Mundo Abreu's product, which will be held on March 31st and April 1st.
There was the need to hire three more new collaborators: Isabel Fialho, Sandra Manarte e Mafalda Pinto. Abreu online gives them a warm welcome.

» New product - Land Packages

We have created a new product - Land Packages in major capitals.
This product is already available in the system!

This offers have hyper competitive prices, in general with immediate confirmation. By adding the air passage, gives the possibility to create offers at the best prices!

In this first communication we highlight Land Packages to Europe.

 » Ambitur February Edition  - "Abreu online secrets"

RNAVT 1702