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Nº 0012 | July 20th'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Maputo Hotel Hotel Turismo 3* New in the system
Maputo Hotel Villa das Arabias Boutique Hotel 4* New in the system
Maputo Hotel Hotel Villa das Mangas 4* New in the system
Maputo Hotel Tivoli Maputo 3* New in the system
Roma Hotel Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora 4*  New in the system

» Rumbo partnership
Rumbo signs an agreement with Abreu online:  

- Due to this agreement, Rumbo wil provide all hotels of the Abreu online platform, on their B2C website
- The clients of Rumbo will have now more hotels, with the best available rates, in some of the best tourist destinations in the world
For the general manager of Rumbo, José Rivera, "this agreement reinforces the position of leadership and quality of the online travel agency , and is integrated in the strategy that will offer the best products to our clients, permitting to increase our international cover, through one of the main groups leaders in the hotel segment".  

The disclosure of this partnership was diffused in the Iberian press, in a joint work between the Abreu online and Rumbo Marketing teams. The news did not stay barely by the habitual media of the trade, having also been communicated through economic and generalist media.


Portuguese press:

» Ambitur 
July Edition - "Rumbo e Abreu online assinam parceria"

» Presstur July Edition - "Rumbo e Abreu online assinam acordo para comercialização de hotéis"

» Publituris July Edition - "Rumbo passa a comercializar hotéis da Abreu online"

» RH Turismo July Edition - "Rumbo assina acordo com Abreu online para comercializar os seus hotéis"

» SOL July Edition - "Rumbo e Abreu unem-se na oferta de viagens online"

Spanish press:

» Europa
Press July Edition - "Rumbo y Abreu online firman un acuerdo de comercialización de hoteles"

» Hoteltur July Edition - "Rumbo y la portuguesa Abreu firman un acuerdo de distribución de hoteles"

» Viajaratope July Edition - "Rumbo y Abreu  firman acuerdo de comercialización de hoteles"

» Finance July Edition - "Rumbo y Abreu  firman un acuerdo de comercialización de hoteles"

» Labolsa July Edition - "Rumbo y Abreu  firman un acuerdo de comercialización de hoteles"

» EdExpansion July Edition - "Rumbo firma un acuerdo con Abreu online para comercializar sus hoteles"

Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com
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