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Nº 00014 | September 7th'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Florence Hotel Villa Gabrielle d'Annunzio 4* New in the system
Madrid Hotel Rafael Atocha 3* New in the system
Madrid Hotel Rafael Orense 4* New in the system
Madrid  Hotel  Holiday Inn Piramides 3* New in the system
Madrid  Hotel  Rafael Ventas 3* New in the system

» Abreu online present at La Cumbre, Orlando, Florida

Once again Abreu online is present in "La Cumbre, The Americas Travel Industry Summit", an annual event aimed to professionals. This event takes place this year in Orlando, Florida between the 5th and 7th of September.

With the visit to La Cumbre, Abreu online team hopes to strengthen ties with business partners as well to explore new markets for our online booking system and our American Receptive. The presence at La Cumbre is still an opportunity to closely explore market trends and listen to the views of major market players.

» Abreu Online extended its international team by hiring
Ana Perez

Ana Perez is a new Senior Sales Manager from our London office, Ana become part of the team this September.

Ana has over 15 years of professional experience in relevant commercial functions, recently Ana was Business Development Manager at GTA.

As Senior Sales Manager, Ana will be responsible for driving the sales department and their respective team and will report to Maria Connor (Global Sales Director). The role involves research and evaluation of new business opportunities globally, increase sales in developing markets, identifying and creating business relationships with key customers.

With Ana´s arrival, Abreu online hopes to  strength its role as a global company with a growing international presence.

» New colleague
September was also a month of news in Contracts. The Contracts Department  novelty is the arrival of a new intern colleague, Liliana Pinto, her job description will be,  supporting  the team consisting initially with scanning and updating contracts in the database. We wish Liliana a fruitful internship.

» Ambitur August Edition - "Abreu online reforça aposta nos Estados Unidos"

» Ambitur September Edition - "Abreu online em fase de finalização de integração das principais cadeias hoteleira urbanas"

» Ambitur September Edition - "Abreu online na "La Cumbre" (Orlando, Florida)"

» Publituris September Edition - "Abreu online participa na La Cumbre"
» Presstur September Edition - "Abreu online está na Florida para participar em encontro da indústria das Américas"

» Opção Turismo September Edition - "Abreu online na La Cumbre"

Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com
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