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Nº 00015 | September 21st'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Aveiro Hotel Hotel Aveiro Center 2* New in the system
Sabadell Hotel Aparthotel Valles 3* New in the system
Barcelona Hotel Aranea 3* New in the system
Barcelona  Hotel  Front Maritim 4* New in the system
Barcelona  Hotel  Attica 21 Barcelona Mar 4* New in the system
» Ana Perez induction in Portugal
Between the 10th and 13th of September the new Senior Sales Manager from our London office, Ana Perez, had her induction. This training allowed Ana to get in touch with all the Abreu online Departments, their role in the company and the interaction she will have with each of them. Before leaving to London, Ana said that she was delighted to join a company based in strong values with a strong potential for international expansión.


» New Clients
We raised more 4 new clients:
Malásia - Hotel Travel   
Irlanda  - Innstant Travel 
Roménia  - Triponet
UK  - Travellanda 

We are increasingly reaching an international scale! 

» Abreu Online has new developments with the aim of continually improve the booking engine and the website.
In addition to the search criteria already existing, Country and City / City with autocomplete / Favorite Cities, it is now possible to search by region, as well  search  with differentiated occupation, number of adults and number of children.
In the Data Entry menu, it is now possible to define different commissions by product.
The interface with the channel manager Rate Tiger, was upgraded and its now possible to update occupations with children and meal supplements (BB, HB and FB).

» Ambitur September Edition - "Ana Perez reforça equipa de vendas internacional da Abreu Online"

» Publituris September Edition - "Abreu online contrata Ana Perez para a sua equipa de vendas internacional"

» Turisver September Edition - "Ana Perez na Abreu online"

» Ambitur September Edition - "Lisboa mantém-se como destino top vendas da Abreu Online"

Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com
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