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Nº 00016 | October 19th'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Madrid Tour Shopping at Las Rozas Village   New in the system
Madrid Hotel Intercontinental 5* New in the system
Madrid Hotel Petit Palace Lealtad Plaza 4* New in the system
Madrid  Hotel  Vincci Soma 4* New in the system
Madeira Island Funchal  Hotel  Pestana Palms Aparthotel 4* New in the system

»  New colleague in Contracts Department

We would  like to introduce you to our newest colleague Balazs Kovacs, which has officially started  as Contracts Coordinator on October 1st at Abreu online London office. Balazs has a wealth of experience in his most recent company JacTravel. He will be responsible for supporting and assisting the Contracts Managers' day to day job in London.
Balazs had a 5 day induction in the Lisbon office where he met all the Portuguese team.

» New Clients
We raised more 5 new clients:
- Tyller
 - Nemo

  - Smart Travel
- Partner Bookings 
 Congratulation to the sales teams!
We are increasingly reaching an international scale.

» New communication line

The Marketing team restructured the Abreu online Communication tools, this shift positions the brand as modern, technological and appealing. With this development we will have a more targeted communication in line with the B2B market. In the first stage were launched the new newsletters, brochure, recommended hotels for the Brazilian market , the template for the IT and helpdesk internal and external communications, and the stand layout  for the trade fairs.

» ABAV 2012
Starts next Wednesday, October 24th, in Rio de Janeiro ,ABAV - Fair of the Americas, the most important Tourism fair in South America, the ABAV is  an opportunity to consolidate our online reservation system  in Brazil and strenght  ties with the Brazilian market. For the first time Abreu online will be present individually with a stand, and will present the draft of the online reservation system exclusively for the Brazilian market. We will also highlight the status of Abreu Tours as Select tour Operator Disney. On the 25th  October we will offer in partnership with Bacalhôa - Wines of Portugal a cocktail to our customer and suppliers

» New colleagues at Data Entry department

The Data Entry department is bigger, we have two new colleagues trainees, Patrícia Costa e Filippo Rodrigues. Patricía will be insertingand updating inventory, mapping and matchingof hotels and cities, while Filippo will update Product in Parsys. Abreu online gives them a warm welcome, wishing them an enormous success in this new challenge.

» Panrotas September edition - "Abreu é a mais nova operadora selecionada Disney"

» Ambitur October edition - "Abreu Tours é operador seleccionado do Walt Disney World Resort na Florida"

» Presstur October edition - "Abreu Online disponibiliza reservas para o Walt Disney Resort na Florida"

» Mercado e Eventos October edition - "Abreu Tours no select tour operator da Walt Disney World Resort  "

» Opção Turismo October edition  - "EUA: Abreu Tours é “Select Tour Operator” da Walt Disney"

» Publituris October edition - "Abreu online na ABAV"

» Presstur October edition  - "Abreu online apresenta esboço do seu sistema exclusivo para o Brasil na ABAV"

» Ambitur October Edition - "Abreu online marca presença na ABAV 2012"

» Turisver October edition - "Abreu online na ABAV"

» Mercado e eventos October edition - "Abreu Online participará da Feira das Américas este ano  "

» Brasilturis October edition  - "Abreu online participa pela primeira vez da ABAV"

» Opção Turismo October edition - "Abreu online na Feira das Américas - ABAV"
Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com

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