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Nº 00018 | December 14th'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Viana do Castelo  Hotel  Hotel do Parque 3 New in the system
São Pedro do Sul Hotel Grande Hotel Lisboa New in the system
Oliveira de Azeméis Hotel Hotel Rural Vale do Rio 4 New in the system
Fátima Hotel Lux Fatima Park
Hotel, Suites & Residences
4 New in the system
Albufeira  Hotel  Epic Sana Algarve 5 New in the system

» New Clients
Abreu online keeps growing!

We raised one more xml connection in Brazil:


It's our 33th xml connection in Brazil and the 19th xml connection trough Travel Studio.
We are increasingly reaching an international scale!

                                       » Solidary Abreu online

The corporate social responsibility, is essentially, a concept whereby companies, decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment.
The Sales Campaign for Portugal travel agents, provides who achieve, a certain level of sales, an Unigift Card that allows to choose where and what to buy in all the establishments that accept Visa, and for each card offered, Abreu online contributes € 2 for UNICEF programs.

João Martins, Data Entry Coordinator, went on November 25th to the Orlando office, to provide Parsys training to Micaela Mazzocchi and Alessandra Veloso, from the Orlando backoffice.
The training took place from November 26th to 30th.
It's intended that the Orlando office stay independent about USA management and product insertion in the system.
This kind of training is very important although already exist guidance manuals.

» New acquisition

A new colleague, Catarina Araújo, began working this month at the IT Support department.
Abreu online gives her a warm welcome and wish every success in this new challenge.


Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com
+351 21 415 6075
help desk:



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