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Nº 00019 | December 28th'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Lisbon  Hotel  Sana Metropolitan Hotel 4 Special Offer
Angola & Mozambique
Funchal Hotel Quinta do Lorde Resort Marina 5 New Hotel
Prague Hotel Hotel Hilton Prague Old Town 5 New in the system
Austria Hotel Le Meridien Vienna Hotel 5 New in the system
Luanda  Hotel  Epic Sana Luanda Hotel 5 New in the system

» New acquisition

A new colleague, Marta Pereira, began working this month at the Data Entry department.
Abreu online gives her a warm welcome and wish every success in this new challenge.

» Abreu online christmas gathering 

The Christmas spirit was present in all and the proof are some of the photos that can be viewed on the link beside.

Such initiatives are important to the whole team as well settle ties that bind us and help us to face all the daily challenges.
Abreu online is also socializing and sharing experiences!

Abreu online wishes all Happy New Year ;)


Please be advised that there is a tab on the Intranet dedicated to Abreu online, where  you can consult and print several documents.


Do you have any news? Contact: marketing@abreuonline.com
+351 21 415 6075
help desk:



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