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Nº 0005 | 13 Abr.'12

» Mundo Abreu 2012
Despite the economic recession that Portugal is experiencing, travel and vacation sales at Mundo Abreu, wich took place on March 31st and April 1st, rose compared to the year 2011. The booking central was constantly busy, where costumers sought to take advantage of promotions that the event Mundo Abreu was offering.

Abreu online had a great participation in this event, were colleagues from various departments, including the international offices, work tirelessly in the various sectors of the fair. Abreu online colleagues could be found in the booking system, visitors reception, customer service in stands, distribution of leaflets and brochures, and other sectors.

When approach about their participation in the event, colleagues said they felt proud to be part of one of the most important fairs in the tourism sector held in Portugal. The event was also classified as an excellent opportunity to increase the knowledge of the tourism sector, and to contact with costumers and suppliers with wich it is spoken daily by phone and email.

The Abreu online participation at Mundo Abreu was classified as a success, wich strengthened the relationships between colleagues.

City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Lisbon Tour Hard Rock Café - menus   New in the system
Milan Hotel Chateau Monfort 5* Very beautiful hotel in city center
Milan Hotel Enterprise 4* Good 4* hotel, semicentral
Barcelona  Hotel  Aparthotel Atenea Calabria 3* Big rooms, good option for families
Madrid  Hotel  Radisson Blue Padro 4* Very beautiful hotel close to Prado, Thyssen and Reina Sofia Museums, in the very city center
Rome Hotel  Hotel Romanico 4* Beautiful 4* hotel very near to Via Vittorio Veneto. Good rates
Rome Hotel  Hotel Veneto 4* Beautiful 4* hotel very near to Via Vittorio Veneto. Good rates
Rome Hotel  La Griffe 5* 5* hotel in Via Nazionele, really central
Florence Hotel  Villa La Massa 5* Exclusive villa in Toscana, located in Candeli, just 10 kms from Florence
» Market Prospection: Mozambique and Angola
Abreu online was recently on a business trip to Mozambique and Angola, where it was identified a great business potencial still untapped. Both in Angola and Mozambique, the main Abreu online's competitors have not yet entered, or had timid attempet. The two PALOP countries can become a great business opportunity at an international level (Angola for its natural resources and business opportunities, and Mozambique for its tourism). In both cases there is the opportunity to them to discover domestic tourism, where once again Abreu online will be an entrepeneur by creating "packages" to be sold as domestic tourism. In a near future will be given continuity to what was initiated in both countries with a  further visit, more focused and targeted to the great opportunities already indentified, possibly in conjunction with the INDABA (South Africa Tourism Fair).

» New colleagues in the Data Entry and Product Departments
Following its expansionist strategy Abreu online felt the need to increase its Product and Data Entry departments, counting now with three news colleagues: Susan Simoni and Ana Sofia Aleixo (Data Entry), Alessandra Dell'Orto (Product). Abreu online gives a warm welcome to the new colleagues, wishing the best in this new stage on their lives.

» Turisver April Edition - "Mundo Abreu: sucesso renovado em 10º aniversário"

» Ambitur April Edition - "Mundo Abreu: O retorno do evento"