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Nº 0007 | 11 May'12
City Hotel/Transfer/Tour Name Category New
Thessaloniki Hotel Mediterranean Palace 5* New in the system
Thessaloniki Hotel El Greco Hotel 3* New in the system
Thessaloniki Hotel Capsis Hotel 4* New in the system
Ios/Chora  Hotel  Ios Palace Hotel & SPA 4* New in the system
Rethymno  Hotel  Sentido Pearl Beach Hotel 4* New in the system

» Abreu online Site
In order to improve  our customer service, Abreu online held a series of improvements in the website layout and in the reservation system. These improvements can be visually identified in the restyle of the website, which presents a more appealing, modern, and user friendly look. Concerning the booking system we can highlight improvements in the search system, search results, booking details and  the update of products / services available. Therefore Abreu online website will have a faster and improved engine, will be more intuitive, flexible and attractive.
The intern presentation of the new website will be on May 16th, a more detailed explanation will be given by the IT Support Department.

» Marketing Department new colleague

With the opening of new offices resulting in the approach to new markets, its needed to adapt marketing and communication strategies to the local realities. Facing this new challenges, Abreu online felt the need to increase its Marketing Department, counting now with a new colleague, José Barbosa e Silva, who is  going to coordinate the Marketing team.

Abreu online gives a warm welcome to José Barbosa e Silva, wishing him the best in this new professional challenge.

» Destination training
Last wednesday, May 11th, Carlo Rappa and Marta Lazaro attended the Abreu online office in Linda-a-Velha. For about 2 hours, they gave training about their respective markets where hotel and service contracts are made. The purpose of this training was to present the new contracted hotels, general information about destinations and possible promotional actions to develop.

Carlo Rappa:
Turkey, Germany, United Kingdom
Martha Lazarus: Spain and Italy