Indaba it's one of the biggest tourism trade fairs of Africa. Held in South Africa -Durban, KwaZulu-Natal province (name with Portuguese origin, due to Vasco da Gama, who was the first European to sight the east coast of Africa on Christmas Day 1497).
The fair took place on May 12-15th, Abreu online was present on May 12-14th, represented by Pedro Barbosa from Contracts department, and Paulo Oliveira from Sales department.
Although of having a very strong international participation, about 80% of the fair's theme is the various tourism resources of South Africa and surrounding countries (the best Safaris, Lodges, new destinations, fantastic tours by balloon or train, the best transport vehicles for safaris / stings, etc.), predictions were for about 12,000 visitors (just over 3% in the number of official visitors, compared to 2011).
The breakneck pace at which everything happens at the show is awesome and makes us think that we do not have time for anything.
The organization prepares very carefully all accesses, meetings and signalétique of the fair.
The Indaba is a very different fair from other tourism trade fairs, its unconventional nature is demonstrated by the several areas of exposure with indoor and outdoor spaces where the AFRICA theme is predominant .