Dear Partner,
After a few exceptional months, which have practically paralyzed the world, from the Abreu Group we want to address these words to you in the first place, to thank you for your trust and commitment during these difficult times. The coronavirus pandemic is making us live an unprecedented situation. It has shown the vulnerability of our society, but also its most committed, supportive and responsible side.
A society like the Portuguese, for example, used to live socializing on the streets, has understood that it was time to stay at home and to take care of yourself as well as your loved ones. And just like in Portugal, the same has happened in most of the countries across the globe. In the last few months, almost every country in the world has been establishing first recommendations, then restrictions and finally prohibitions. Governments have tried to stop the spread of the pandemic, and one of the ways to do so was by closing their borders.
Quarantines, states of alerts and other situations mean that there are no customers who want to travel, except for force majeure.
We must confess that we are making a titanic effort to adjust not only our hotel portfolio but also our regular circuit programming, to serve all our clients and to ensure that those who are already willing to travel can do it in the safest possible way. We are aware that despite all these efforts, we have not always been able to serve you as well as we would have liked to. And we truly apologize if this was your case. Our employees are working very hard, just like the first day, because they know that we are all committed to the same cause and that no trial is so large we can’t overcome it together. You may have heard now that Europe is being hit by second wave of COVID-19. This is the case, indeed, and practically all governments across the continent have re-activated confinement protocols. Let's not forget either that airlines are only operating a tiny part of their regular schedules.
From the Abreu Group we would like to send a message of confidence and trust to our company. We have already demonstrated resilience in many other difficult contexts, during our 180 years of history. When this situation is over, we will continue to contribute towards the development of tourism and just like before, we really hope to count on you.
We didn’t want to end this message without showing our appreciation, to all the people in our beloved industry that are putting all their energy to overcome this situation.
We wish you, your family and friends only but the very best.
And that sooner than later, we will all be back stronger than ever.
Kind Regards,
Abreu Group