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Dear Partner,
Never before did we imagine that it was possible to see an almost complete stop in many sectors and economies worldwide. Unfortunately, Abreu online’s activity is no exception and has numerous operational implications, causing delays on our responses. We believe and defend that keeping proximity with our clients and partners is mandatory, especially in these difficult times. That’s the reason why we are totally available, working and thanking you for the trust you have placed on Abreu online. Our Customer Support Center and Product Teams are constantly monitoring the current situation, taking into account all the lockdown dates at destination level as well as all official and local statements and measures in order to better assist you in your requests to waive fees and change of date requests.
Please note:
- We are working from home, just like many others, and with a reduced team;
- Despite the increasing number of requests, we are committed to keep a low time respond, with priority for those who have immediate reservations dates. So, if we haven't answered you yet, we will do it as soon as possible;
- We follow governments official statements, status of alert and closure hotels and ancillary services as transfers, to non-emergency and non-essential travelers;
- Our teams are in active contact with all of our partners, and we know how difficult these times are to everyone, but we are doing everything we can to support you;
- Whenever possible, we will facilitate the cancellation of reservations free of charge. However, we remind you, once again, that this measure is upon suppliers' decision and it’s analysed on a case by case basis;
- We strongly recommend to cancel using the API or the Booking System in the web. Our Help Desk will check and respond each waiver request that should be sent to: helpdesk@abreuonline.com only;
- We request that you to contact us exclusively through Help Desk and by phone (24h) only in case of emergency, on spot and for next day check-in requirements only.
Our Help Desk is working (Portugal Schedule):
Monday to Friday -> from 09 am to 08 pm
Saturday -> from 10 am to 6pm
We thank you all your understanding, patience and trust and we renew our wishes for your good health,
Stay safe, stay healthy! |
UK | USA: +351 21 415 60 75 |