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Important Information |
Dear Partner,
Never before did we imagine that it was possible to see an almost complete stop in many sectors and economies worldwide. Unfortunately, Abreu online’s activity is no exception and has numerous cancellations and refunds to proceed.
We believe and defend that keeping proximity with our clients and partners is mandatory, especially in these difficult times. That’s the reason why we are totally available, working and thanking you for the trust you have placed on Abreu online.
We are working from home, just like many others, and with a small team. Despite the increasing number of requests, we are committed to keep a low time respond, with priority for those who have immediate reservations dates. So, if we don’t have answered you yet, please, stand by and be patience because we will do it.
As an excellence brand and 180 years of history, Abreu Group has always been available and supported its clients along other severe and negative cycles. Abreu is facing this new challenge with the experience and the same professionalism and determination that had always showed and we are sure that we will all come out of this together and stronger.
We thank you all your understanding, patience and trust and we renew our wishes for your good health,
Stay safe, stay healthy! |
UK | USA: +351 21 010 2691 |