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Important Information |
All around the world the Tourism Industry is experiencing an unprecedented crisis due to current obvious reasons and for that Abreu online is working from home and with reduced teams. We are doing our best to provide all the necessary support to lessen the impact of it. Whenever possible, we will facilitate the cancellation of reservations free of charge. However, we remind you, once again, that this measure is upon suppliers' decision and it’s analysed on a case by case basis. Our Help Desk is working (Portugal Schedule):
Monday to Friday -> from 09 am to 08 pm
Saturday -> from 10 am to 6pm
We request that you to contact us exclusively through helpdesk@abreuonline.com and by phone (24h) only in case of emergency. We ask all our clients for your understanding and patience with your demands.
Only together we will win! Stay safe, stay healthy! Thank you |
UK | USA: +351 21 010 26 91 |