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13 e 15 Junho
Sto. António e Corpo de Deus
Informamos que terça e quinta-feiras, dia 13 e 15 de Junho, respetivamente, o nosso Help Desk estará a funcionar em horário reduzido, desde as 10h às 18hs, devido a feriados.
+351 21 010 2693
13 y 15 Junio
Sto. António y Corpus Christi
Informamos que Martes y Jueves, 13 y 15 de Junio, el Help Desk de Abreu online, estará funcionando en horario reducido, desde las 10h hasta las 18h (hora local), debido a festivos.
900 102 154
June 13th and 15th
St. António and Corpus Christi
Please be informed that Tuesday and Thursday, June 13th and 15th, Abreu online's Help Desk will be working in a reduced schedule, from 10 am until 6 pm (local time), due to Bank Holidays.
Thank you
+351 21 415 6075
13 y 15 Junio
Sto. António y Corpus Christi
Informamos que Martes y Jueves, 13 y 15 de Junio, el Help Desk de Abreu online, estará funcionando en horario reducido, desde las 10h hasta las 18h (hora local), debido a festivos.
+351 21 010 2696
June 13th and 15th
St. António and Corpus Christy
Please be informed that Tuesday and Thursday, June 13th and 15th, Abreu online's Help Desk will be working in a reduced schedule, from 10 am until 6 pm (local time), due to Bank Holidays.
Thank you
+351 21 010 2691
13 и 15 июня
День Св. Антония и Тело Христово
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что во вторник и четверг, 13 и 15 июня, Служба поддержки Абреу Онлайн имеет сокращенный рабочий день с 10:00 утра до 18:00 вечера (по местному времени) в связи с праздниками.